The very nature of the MSP business demands integration. Further, as Malwarebytes Labs showed, medium-sized and enterprise businesses suffered dramatic hits to their cybersecurity postures due to the coronavirus pandemic, and the small businesses that many MSPs protect are likely suffering similar pains. With an increasingly complex threat landscape which includes evolving ransomware strategies and trickier phishing scams, MSPs need to be on their A-game. Why then should MSPs accept that another critical part of their daily workload does not integrate with their current product workstack-cybersecurity? Imagine trying to run a successful MSP business today-finding potential customers, procuring new clients, developing purchase orders, managing endpoints, and sending invoices-all without the help of Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) and Professional Services Automation (PSA) tools.
For modern Managed Service Providers (MSPs), gone are the days of disparate workflows, and that’s really for the best.